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All Apps should define a manifest (godoc) as a JSON object. The fields of the manifest are described in the following table:

Name Type Description
app_id string ID for your App.
homepage_url string The App homepage. Used in the Marketplace and for OAuth purposes.
version string The version of your App, formatted as v00.00.0000.
display_name string The display name for your App.
description string The description for your App. Used in the product Marketplace. Provide examples of key functionality the App provides in a short paragraph.
icon string The icon for your App. Must be a relative path to a PNG image in the static assets folder. Used as the bot account icon and in the product Marketplace.
requested_permissions Permissions List of permissions needed by the App.
requested_locations Locations The list of top-level locations that the App intends to bind to.
bindings Call The call invoked to retrieve bindings. Default value: /bindings
on_install Call The call invoked when the App is installed.
on_uninstall Call The call invoked when the App is uninstalled, before the App is removed.
on_version_changed Call The call invoked when the App needs to be upgraded or downgraded.
get_oauth2_connect_url Call The call invoked when an OAuth2 authentication flow has started.
on_oauth2_complete Call The call invoked when an OAuth2 authentication flow has successfully completed.
on_remote_webhook Call The call invoked when an App webhook is received from a remote system.
remote_webhook_auth_type string Specifies how incoming App webhook messages from remote systems should be authenticated by Mattermost. One of "", none, or secret. Default value: "".
The value "" is treated as if it were the value secret.
aws_lambda AWSLambda Metadata for an App that can be deployed to AWS Lambda and S3 services, and is accessed using the AWS APIs.
open_faas OpenFAAS Metadata for an App that can be deployed to OpenFAAS.
http HTTP Metadata for an App that is already deployed externally and is accessed using HTTP.

For example, a typical App manifest would look like the following:

	"app_id": "hello-world",
	"display_name": "Hello, world!",
	"icon": "icon.png",
	"homepage_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-apps",
	"requested_permissions": [
	"requested_locations": [
	"on_install": {
        "path": "/install"
	"http": {
		"root_url": "http://localhost:4000"


Apps need to request permissions from the System Admin who is installing them. After an App is installed and available to end users, each user in Mattermost will need to “authenticate” with your App. Using the act_as_user permission, your App will be performing an API call on behalf of each authenticated user.

The following table lists the supported permissions (godoc) an app can request:

Name Description
act_as_bot Use Mattermost REST API as the app’s bot user.
act_as_user Use Mattermost REST API as a connected user.
remote_oauth2 Use remote (third-party) OAuth2 support, and store secrets and tokens to third-party system(s) within the Mattermost server.
remote_webhooks Receive webhooks from a remote (third-party) system and process them as a bot. This will typically add a notification message to a channel.


Locations (godoc) are spaces in the UI where an App can add interactions. Locations in the App framework are supported on the mobile, desktop, and web app clients unless otherwise noted. This list of locations will grow over time as the App framework expands.

Name Description
/post_menu An item in a Mattermost post’s dropdown menu (e.g., Message Action) where the user can leverage message content as part of the App’s action.

For example, someone reports a bug in a channel with some details, then using the “post-menu” button, the message’s content could be used to create a new “bug” object in a tracking system.
/channel_header A button in the channel header on the desktop app or the web app, and an item in the channel menu on the mobile app. This is used for actions that take place at the channel level.

For example, a button for the user to set up a notification subscription for all new tickets in system XYZ to be posted to the current channel.
/command A slash command accessed by typing / at the beginning of any new message in Mattermost.

For example, a slash command /ticketing --name "test Ticket" --priority high can capture two fields and create a ticket in an external system. The options for the priority field could be displayed to the user in a pick list to reduce their need to type.
/in_post A form that is embedded within a message in Mattermost. Used to interact with users without switching context to an interactive dialog.

For example, confirming simple things like “Did you complete your OKR review yet? (Yes/No)” options can be presented to the user and they can simply check off a box.

Deployment methods 


Provides configuration for accessing an app that is deployed externally of Mattermost and is accessible via HTTP.

Name Description
root_url Base URL for all calls and static asset requests.
use_jwt Include a secret-based JWT in all requests to the App. The secret must be provided by the App to the System Admin and entered when the App is installed.


	"http": {
		"root_url": "https://myurl.test/somepath",
		"use_jwt": true

AWS Lambda 

Provides configuration for deploying an App onto the AWS Lambda and S3 services. All fields are mandatory ().

Name Type Description
functions AWS Lambda functions List of functions

Each AWS Lambda function contains the following fields:

Name Description
path Root path of calls to be mapped to this function. For example: "/"
name Function’s base name; used to compose the actual AWS Lambda name.
handler The name of the function handler.
runtime AWS Lambda runtime to use.
See the Lambda runtimes documentation for a list of supported runtimes.


  	"aws_lambda": {
    	"functions": [
	    		"path": "/",
	  	  		"name": "my-funct",
	  	  		"handler": "my-funct",
	  	  		"runtime": "go1.x"


Provides configuration for deploying an App onto OpenFaaS and faasd platforms. All fields are mandatory ().

Name Type Description
functions OpenFaaS functions List of functions

Each function contains the following fields:

Name Description
path Root path of calls to be mapped to this function. For example: "/"
name Function’s base name.
Used to compose the actual OpenFaaS function name, combined with the App ID and version.


  	"open_faas": {
    	"functions": [
	    		"path": "/",
	  	  		"name": "my-funct"

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