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Subscriptions provide a way for an App to be notified about events sent by the Mattermost Server. The Mattermost Server notifies an App of an event by invoking a call.

There are three operations that can be performed when managing subscriptions:

  1. Subscribe to an event
  2. List event subscriptions
  3. Unsubscribe from an event

Subscriptions can be managed in two ways:

  • Using HTTP REST endpoints
  • Using a driver

Event subjects 

Each event subscription (godoc) contains a subject which specifies the event name. For example, user_created.

An App can subscribe to one or more of the following event subjects:

Subject Description Plugin Event Name
user_created A user was created UserHasBeenCreated
user_joined_channel A user joined a channel UserJoinedChannel
user_left_channel A user left a channel UserLeftChannel
bot_joined_channel The App’s bot joined a channel UserJoinedChannel
bot_left_channel The App’s bot left a channel UserLeftChannel
user_joined_team A user joined a team UserJoinedTeam
user_left_team A user left a team UserLeftTeam
bot_joined_team The App’s bot joined a team UserJoinedTeam
bot_left_team The App’s bot left a team UserLeftTeam
channel_created A channel was created ChannelHasBeenCreated

Subscription calls 

The HTTP REST request sent by a subscription event looks like the following:

POST /event-handler HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "path": "/event",
    "context": {
        "user_id": "7q7kaakokfdsdycy3pr9ctkc5r",
        "subject": "user_joined_channel",
        "channel_id": "9a44ckeqytd3bftn3c3y53968o",
        "app_id": "my-app",
        "mattermost_site_url": "http://localhost:8066",
        "developer_mode": true,
        "app_path": "/plugins/com.mattermost.apps/apps/my-app",
        "bot_user_id": "mgbd1czngjbbdx6eqruqabdeie",
        "bot_access_token": "ix8gsdqudfgupyf3qsh8y9j81w",
        "oauth2": {}

Use HTTP REST endpoints 

Endpoint URL 

Subscriptions are managed using a single HTTP REST endpoint:


Replace <mattermost_site_url> with the base URL to the Mattermost server. The <mattermost_site_url> value can be obtained from a call request context.


An authorization token is required when invoking HTTP REST endpoints to manage subscriptions. The token must be set in the Authorization header as a bearer token. The bot_access_token field of the call request context will contain the token.

Subscribe to an event with HTTP REST 

Example HTTP request to subscribe to the bot_joined_team subject for a particular team:

POST /plugins/com.mattermost.apps/api/v1/subscribe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json

    "subject": "bot_joined_team",
    "team_id": "hoan6o9ws7rp5xj7wu9rmysrte",
    "call": {
        "path": "/bot_joined_team",
        "expand": {
            "app": "all",
            "team": "all"

List event subscriptions with HTTP REST 

Example HTTP request to list the existing subscriptions:

GET /plugins/com.mattermost.apps/api/v1/subscribe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example response body; the response is a JSON array:

        "subject": "bot_joined_team",
        "team_id": "hoan6o9ws7rp5xj7wu9rmysrte",
        "call": {
            "path": "/bot_joined_team",
            "expand": {
                "app": "all",
                "team": "all"

Unsubscribe from an event with HTTP REST 

Example HTTP request to unsubscribe from the bot_joined_team subject:

POST /plugins/com.mattermost.apps/api/v1/unsubscribe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json

    "subject": "bot_joined_team",
    "team_id": "hoan6o9ws7rp5xj7wu9rmysrte",
    "call": {
        "path": "/bot_joined_team",
        "expand": {
            "app": "all",
            "team": "all"

Use a driver 

Subscribe to an event with a driver 

Example Golang driver code to subscribe to the user_joined_channel (apps.SubjectUserJoinedChannel) subject for a particular team and channel:

subscription := &apps.Subscription{
    Subject:   apps.SubjectUserJoinedChannel,
    ChannelID: "9a44ckeqytd3bftn3c3y53968o",
    TeamID:    "hoan6o9ws7rp5xj7wu9rmysrte",
    Call: apps.Call{
        Path:   "/user-joined-channel",
        Expand: &apps.Expand{
            // optionally expand call metadata fields
err := client.Subscribe(subscription)
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

List event subscriptions with a driver 

Example Golang driver code to list the existing subscriptions:

// `subscriptions` is a slice of apps.Subscription structs
subscriptions, err := client.GetSubscriptions()
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

Unsubscribe from an event with a driver 

Example Golang driver code to unsubscribe from the user_joined_channel (apps.SubjectUserJoinedChannel) subject:

subscription := &apps.Subscription{
    Subject:   apps.SubjectUserJoinedChannel,
    ChannelID: "9a44ckeqytd3bftn3c3y53968o",
    TeamID:    "hoan6o9ws7rp5xj7wu9rmysrte",
    Call: apps.Call{
        Path:   "/user-joined-channel",
        Expand: &apps.Expand{
            // optionally expand call metadata fields
err := client.Unsubscribe(subscription)
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

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