The plugin manifest defines the metadata required to load and present your plugin. The manifest file should be named plugin.json or plugin.yaml and placed in the top of your plugin bundle.
Example plugin.json:
{ "id": "com.mycompany.myplugin", "name": "My Plugin", "description": "This is my plugin", "homepage_url": "", "support_url": "", "release_notes_url": "", "icon_path": "assets/logo.svg", "version": "0.1.0", "min_server_version": "5.6.0", "server": { "executables": { "linux-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-linux-amd64", "darwin-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-darwin-amd64", "windows-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-windows-amd64.exe" } }, "webapp": { "bundle_path": "webapp/dist/main.js" }, "settings_schema": { "header": "Some header text", "footer": "Some footer text", "settings": [{ "key": "someKey", "display_name": "Enable Extra Feature", "type": "bool", "help_text": "When true, an extra feature will be enabled!", "default": "false" }] }, "props": { "someKey": "someData" } }
id - String
The id is a globally unique identifier that represents your plugin. Ids must be at least 3 characters, at most 190 characters and must match ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$. Reverse-DNS notation using a name you control is a good option, e.g. "com.mycompany.myplugin".
name - String
The name to be displayed for the plugin.
description - String
A description of what your plugin is and does.
homepage_url - String
HomepageURL is an optional link to learn more about the plugin.
support_url - String
SupportURL is an optional URL where plugin issues can be reported.
release_notes_url - String
ReleaseNotesURL is an optional URL where a changelog for the release can be found.
icon_path - String
A relative file path in the bundle that points to the plugins svg icon for use with the Plugin Marketplace. This should be relative to the root of your bundle and the location of the manifest file. Bitmap image formats are not supported.
version - String
A version number for your plugin. Semantic versioning is recommended:
min_server_version - String
The minimum Mattermost server version required for your plugin.
Minimum server version: 5.6
server - Object
Server defines the server-side portion of your plugin.
executables - Dict
Executables are the paths to your executable binaries, specifying multiple entry points for different platforms when bundled together in a single plugin.
executable - String
Executable is the path to your executable binary. This should be relative to the root of your bundle and the location of the manifest file.
On Windows, this file must have a ".exe" extension.
If your plugin is compiled for multiple platforms, consider bundling them together and using the Executables field instead.
webapp - Object
If your plugin extends the web app, you'll need to define webapp.
bundle_path - String
The path to your webapp bundle. This should be relative to the root of your bundle and the location of the manifest file.
settings_schema - Object
To allow administrators to configure your plugin via the Mattermost system console, you can provide your settings schema.
header - String
Optional text to display above the settings. Supports Markdown formatting.
settings - Array
A list of setting definitions.
key - String
The key that the setting will be assigned to in the configuration file.
display_name - String
The display name for the setting.
type - String
The type of the setting.
"bool" will result in a boolean true or false setting.
"dropdown" will result in a string setting that allows the user to select from a list of pre-defined options.
"generated" will result in a string setting that is set to a random, cryptographically secure string.
"radio" will result in a string setting that allows the user to select from a short selection of pre-defined options.
"text" will result in a string setting that can be typed in manually.
"longtext" will result in a multi line string that can be typed in manually.
"number" will result in in integer setting that can be typed in manually.
"username" will result in a text setting that will autocomplete to a username.
"custom" will result in a custom defined setting and will load the custom component registered for the Web App System Console.
help_text - String
The help text to display to the user. Supports Markdown formatting.
regenerate_help_text - String
The help text to display alongside the "Regenerate" button for settings of the "generated" type.
placeholder - String
The placeholder to display for "generated", "text", "longtext", "number" and "username" types when blank.
The default value of the setting.
options - Array
For "radio" or "dropdown" settings, this is the list of pre-defined options that the user can choose from.
display_name - String
The display name for the option.
value - String
The string value for the option.
hosting - String
The intended hosting environment for this plugin setting. Can be "cloud" or "on-prem". When this field is set, and the opposite environment is running the plugin, the setting will be hidden in the admin console UI. Note that this functionality is entirely client-side, so the plugin needs to handle the case of invalid submissions.
props - Dict
Plugins can store any kind of data in Props to allow other plugins to use it.