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Mattermost Server plugin SDK reference

This is the documentation for the Go github.com/mattermost/mattermost/server/public/plugin package. It can also be found on GoDoc.

Visit the Plugins section to learn more about developing Mattermost plugins and our recommended developer workflow for Mattermost plugins.

The plugin package is used by Mattermost server plugins written in go. It also enables the Mattermost server to manage and interact with the running plugin environment.

Note that this package exports a large number of types prefixed with Z_. These are public only to allow their use with Hashicorp's go-plugin (and net/rpc). Do not use these directly.


The API can be used to retrieve data or perform actions on behalf of the plugin. Most methods have direct counterparts in the REST API and very similar behavior.

Plugins obtain access to the API by embedding MattermostPlugin and accessing the API member directly.


Hooks describes the methods a plugin may implement to automatically receive the corresponding event.

A plugin only need implement the hooks it cares about. The MattermostPlugin provides some default implementations for convenience but may be overridden.




(API) LoadPluginConfiguration 

LoadPluginConfiguration(dest any) error

LoadPluginConfiguration loads the plugin's configuration. dest should be a pointer to a struct that the configuration JSON can be unmarshalled to.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) RegisterCommand 

RegisterCommand(command *model.Command) error

RegisterCommand registers a custom slash command. When the command is triggered, your plugin can fulfill it via the ExecuteCommand hook.

@tag Command Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) UnregisterCommand 

UnregisterCommand(teamID, trigger string) error

UnregisterCommand unregisters a command previously register via RegisterCommand.

@tag Command Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) ExecuteSlashCommand 

ExecuteSlashCommand(commandArgs *model.CommandArgs) (*model.CommandResponse, error)

ExecuteSlashCommand executes a slash command with the given parameters.

@tag Command Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) GetConfig 

GetConfig() *model.Config

GetConfig fetches the currently persisted config

@tag Configuration Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUnsanitizedConfig 

GetUnsanitizedConfig() *model.Config

GetUnsanitizedConfig fetches the currently persisted config without removing secrets.

@tag Configuration Minimum server version: 5.16

(API) SaveConfig 

SaveConfig(config *model.Config) *model.AppError

SaveConfig sets the given config and persists the changes

@tag Configuration Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetPluginConfig 

GetPluginConfig() map[string]any

GetPluginConfig fetches the currently persisted config of plugin

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) SavePluginConfig 

SavePluginConfig(config map[string]any) *model.AppError

SavePluginConfig sets the given config for plugin and persists the changes

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetBundlePath 

GetBundlePath() (string, error)

GetBundlePath returns the absolute path where the plugin's bundle was unpacked.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetLicense 

GetLicense() *model.License

GetLicense returns the current license used by the Mattermost server. Returns nil if the server does not have a license.

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) IsEnterpriseReady 

IsEnterpriseReady() bool

IsEnterpriseReady returns true if the Mattermost server is configured as Enterprise Ready.

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetServerVersion 

GetServerVersion() string

GetServerVersion return the current Mattermost server version

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.4

(API) GetSystemInstallDate 

GetSystemInstallDate() (int64, *model.AppError)

GetSystemInstallDate returns the time that Mattermost was first installed and ran.

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetDiagnosticId 

GetDiagnosticId() string

GetDiagnosticId returns a unique identifier used by the server for diagnostic reports.

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetTelemetryId 

GetTelemetryId() string

GetTelemetryId returns a unique identifier used by the server for telemetry reports.

@tag Server Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) CreateUser 

CreateUser(user *model.User) (*model.User, *model.AppError)

CreateUser creates a user.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) DeleteUser 

DeleteUser(userID string) *model.AppError

DeleteUser deletes a user.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUsers 

GetUsers(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUsers a list of users based on search options.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetUser 

GetUser(userID string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUser gets a user.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUserByEmail 

GetUserByEmail(email string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUserByEmail gets a user by their email address.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUserByUsername 

GetUserByUsername(name string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUserByUsername gets a user by their username.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUsersByUsernames 

GetUsersByUsernames(usernames []string) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUsersByUsernames gets users by their usernames.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetUsersInTeam 

GetUsersInTeam(teamID string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUsersInTeam gets users in team.

@tag User @tag Team Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPreferenceForUser 

GetPreferenceForUser(userID, category, name string) (model.Preference, *model.AppError)

GetPreferenceForUser gets a single preference for a user.

@tag User @tag Preference Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) GetPreferencesForUser 

GetPreferencesForUser(userID string) ([]model.Preference, *model.AppError)

GetPreferencesForUser gets a user's preferences.

@tag User @tag Preference Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) UpdatePreferencesForUser 

UpdatePreferencesForUser(userID string, preferences []model.Preference) *model.AppError

UpdatePreferencesForUser updates a user's preferences.

@tag User @tag Preference Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) DeletePreferencesForUser 

DeletePreferencesForUser(userID string, preferences []model.Preference) *model.AppError

DeletePreferencesForUser deletes a user's preferences.

@tag User @tag Preference Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) GetSession 

GetSession(sessionID string) (*model.Session, *model.AppError)

GetSession returns the session object for the Session ID

Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) CreateSession 

CreateSession(session *model.Session) (*model.Session, *model.AppError)

CreateSession creates a new user session.

@tag User Minimum server version: 6.2

(API) ExtendSessionExpiry 

ExtendSessionExpiry(sessionID string, newExpiry int64) *model.AppError

ExtendSessionExpiry extends the duration of an existing session.

@tag User Minimum server version: 6.2

(API) RevokeSession 

RevokeSession(sessionID string) *model.AppError

RevokeSession revokes an existing user session.

@tag User Minimum server version: 6.2

(API) CreateUserAccessToken 

CreateUserAccessToken(token *model.UserAccessToken) (*model.UserAccessToken, *model.AppError)

CreateUserAccessToken creates a new access token. @tag User Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) RevokeUserAccessToken 

RevokeUserAccessToken(tokenID string) *model.AppError

RevokeUserAccessToken revokes an existing access token. @tag User Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) GetTeamIcon 

GetTeamIcon(teamID string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)

GetTeamIcon gets the team icon.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) SetTeamIcon 

SetTeamIcon(teamID string, data []byte) *model.AppError

SetTeamIcon sets the team icon.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) RemoveTeamIcon 

RemoveTeamIcon(teamID string) *model.AppError

RemoveTeamIcon removes the team icon.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) UpdateUser 

UpdateUser(user *model.User) (*model.User, *model.AppError)

UpdateUser updates a user.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUserStatus 

GetUserStatus(userID string) (*model.Status, *model.AppError)

GetUserStatus will get a user's status.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetUserStatusesByIds 

GetUserStatusesByIds(userIds []string) ([]*model.Status, *model.AppError)

GetUserStatusesByIds will return a list of user statuses based on the provided slice of user IDs.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) UpdateUserStatus 

UpdateUserStatus(userID, status string) (*model.Status, *model.AppError)

UpdateUserStatus will set a user's status until the user, or another integration/plugin, sets it back to online. The status parameter can be: "online", "away", "dnd", or "offline".

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) SetUserStatusTimedDND 

SetUserStatusTimedDND(userId string, endtime int64) (*model.Status, *model.AppError)

SetUserStatusTimedDND will set a user's status to dnd for given time until the user, or another integration/plugin, sets it back to online. @tag User Minimum server version: 5.35

(API) UpdateUserActive 

UpdateUserActive(userID string, active bool) *model.AppError

UpdateUserActive deactivates or reactivates an user.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.8

(API) UpdateUserCustomStatus 

UpdateUserCustomStatus(userID string, customStatus *model.CustomStatus) *model.AppError

UpdateUserCustomStatus will set a user's custom status until the user, or another integration/plugin, clear it or update the custom status. The custom status have two parameters: emoji icon and custom text.

@tag User Minimum server version: 6.2

(API) RemoveUserCustomStatus 

RemoveUserCustomStatus(userID string) *model.AppError

RemoveUserCustomStatus will remove a user's custom status.

@tag User Minimum server version: 6.2

(API) GetUsersInChannel 

GetUsersInChannel(channelID, sortBy string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetUsersInChannel returns a page of users in a channel. Page counting starts at 0. The sortBy parameter can be: "username" or "status".

@tag User @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetLDAPUserAttributes 

GetLDAPUserAttributes(userID string, attributes []string) (map[string]string, *model.AppError)

GetLDAPUserAttributes will return LDAP attributes for a user. The attributes parameter should be a list of attributes to pull. Returns a map with attribute names as keys and the user's attributes as values. Requires an enterprise license, LDAP to be configured and for the user to use LDAP as an authentication method.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) CreateTeam 

CreateTeam(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)

CreateTeam creates a team.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) DeleteTeam 

DeleteTeam(teamID string) *model.AppError

DeleteTeam deletes a team.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeams 

GetTeams() ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)

GetTeam gets all teams.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeam 

GetTeam(teamID string) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)

GetTeam gets a team.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeamByName 

GetTeamByName(name string) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)

GetTeamByName gets a team by its name.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeamsUnreadForUser 

GetTeamsUnreadForUser(userID string) ([]*model.TeamUnread, *model.AppError)

GetTeamsUnreadForUser gets the unread message and mention counts for each team to which the given user belongs.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) UpdateTeam 

UpdateTeam(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)

UpdateTeam updates a team.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) SearchTeams 

SearchTeams(term string) ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)

SearchTeams search a team.

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.8

(API) GetTeamsForUser 

GetTeamsForUser(userID string) ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)

GetTeamsForUser returns list of teams of given user ID.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) CreateTeamMember 

CreateTeamMember(teamID, userID string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

CreateTeamMember creates a team membership.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) CreateTeamMembers 

CreateTeamMembers(teamID string, userIds []string, requestorId string) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

CreateTeamMembers creates a team membership for all provided user ids.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) CreateTeamMembersGracefully 

CreateTeamMembersGracefully(teamID string, userIds []string, requestorId string) ([]*model.TeamMemberWithError, *model.AppError)

CreateTeamMembersGracefully creates a team membership for all provided user ids and reports the users that were not added.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.20

(API) DeleteTeamMember 

DeleteTeamMember(teamID, userID, requestorId string) *model.AppError

DeleteTeamMember deletes a team membership.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeamMembers 

GetTeamMembers(teamID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

GetTeamMembers returns the memberships of a specific team.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeamMember 

GetTeamMember(teamID, userID string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

GetTeamMember returns a specific membership.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetTeamMembersForUser 

GetTeamMembersForUser(userID string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

GetTeamMembersForUser returns all team memberships for a user.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) UpdateTeamMemberRoles 

UpdateTeamMemberRoles(teamID, userID, newRoles string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)

UpdateTeamMemberRoles updates the role for a team membership.

@tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) CreateChannel 

CreateChannel(channel *model.Channel) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

CreateChannel creates a channel.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) DeleteChannel 

DeleteChannel(channelId string) *model.AppError

DeleteChannel deletes a channel.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetPublicChannelsForTeam 

GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetPublicChannelsForTeam gets a list of all channels.

@tag Channel @tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetChannel 

GetChannel(channelId string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetChannel gets a channel.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetChannelByName 

GetChannelByName(teamID, name string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetChannelByName gets a channel by its name, given a team id.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetChannelByNameForTeamName 

GetChannelByNameForTeamName(teamName, channelName string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetChannelByNameForTeamName gets a channel by its name, given a team name.

@tag Channel @tag Team Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetChannelsForTeamForUser 

GetChannelsForTeamForUser(teamID, userID string, includeDeleted bool) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetChannelsForTeamForUser gets a list of channels for given user ID in given team ID.

@tag Channel @tag Team @tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetChannelStats 

GetChannelStats(channelId string) (*model.ChannelStats, *model.AppError)

GetChannelStats gets statistics for a channel.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetDirectChannel 

GetDirectChannel(userId1, userId2 string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetDirectChannel gets a direct message channel. If the channel does not exist it will create it.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetGroupChannel 

GetGroupChannel(userIds []string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

GetGroupChannel gets a group message channel. If the channel does not exist it will create it.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) UpdateChannel 

UpdateChannel(channel *model.Channel) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

UpdateChannel updates a channel.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) SearchChannels 

SearchChannels(teamID string, term string) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)

SearchChannels returns the channels on a team matching the provided search term.

@tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) CreateChannelSidebarCategory 

CreateChannelSidebarCategory(userID, teamID string, newCategory *model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels) (*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *model.AppError)

CreateChannelSidebarCategory creates a new sidebar category for a set of channels.

@tag ChannelSidebar Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) GetChannelSidebarCategories 

GetChannelSidebarCategories(userID, teamID string) (*model.OrderedSidebarCategories, *model.AppError)

GetChannelSidebarCategories returns sidebar categories.

@tag ChannelSidebar Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) UpdateChannelSidebarCategories 

UpdateChannelSidebarCategories(userID, teamID string, categories []*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels) ([]*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *model.AppError)

UpdateChannelSidebarCategories updates the channel sidebar categories.

@tag ChannelSidebar Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) SearchUsers 

SearchUsers(search *model.UserSearch) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

SearchUsers returns a list of users based on some search criteria.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) SearchPostsInTeam 

SearchPostsInTeam(teamID string, paramsList []*model.SearchParams) ([]*model.Post, *model.AppError)

SearchPostsInTeam returns a list of posts in a specific team that match the given params.

@tag Post @tag Team Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) SearchPostsInTeamForUser 

SearchPostsInTeamForUser(teamID string, userID string, searchParams model.SearchParameter) (*model.PostSearchResults, *model.AppError)

SearchPostsInTeamForUser returns a list of posts by team and user that match the given search parameters. @tag Post Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) AddChannelMember 

AddChannelMember(channelId, userID string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

AddChannelMember joins a user to a channel (as if they joined themselves) This means the user will not receive notifications for joining the channel.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) AddUserToChannel 

AddUserToChannel(channelId, userID, asUserId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

AddUserToChannel adds a user to a channel as if the specified user had invited them. This means the user will receive the regular notifications for being added to the channel.

@tag User @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) GetChannelMember 

GetChannelMember(channelId, userID string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

GetChannelMember gets a channel membership for a user.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetChannelMembers 

GetChannelMembers(channelId string, page, perPage int) (model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)

GetChannelMembers gets a channel membership for all users.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetChannelMembersByIds 

GetChannelMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) (model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)

GetChannelMembersByIds gets a channel membership for a particular User

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetChannelMembersForUser 

GetChannelMembersForUser(teamID, userID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

GetChannelMembersForUser returns all channel memberships on a team for a user.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) UpdateChannelMemberRoles 

UpdateChannelMemberRoles(channelId, userID, newRoles string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

UpdateChannelMemberRoles updates a user's roles for a channel.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) UpdateChannelMemberNotifications 

UpdateChannelMemberNotifications(channelId, userID string, notifications map[string]string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)

UpdateChannelMemberNotifications updates a user's notification properties for a channel.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) PatchChannelMembersNotifications 

PatchChannelMembersNotifications(members []*model.ChannelMemberIdentifier, notifyProps map[string]string) *model.AppError

PatchChannelMembersNotifications updates the notification properties for multiple channel members. Other changes made to the channel memberships will be ignored. A maximum of 200 members can be updated at once.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) GetGroup 

GetGroup(groupId string) (*model.Group, *model.AppError)

GetGroup gets a group by ID.

@tag Group Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) GetGroupByName 

GetGroupByName(name string) (*model.Group, *model.AppError)

GetGroupByName gets a group by name.

@tag Group Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) GetGroupMemberUsers 

GetGroupMemberUsers(groupID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)

GetGroupMemberUsers gets a page of users belonging to the given group.

@tag Group Minimum server version: 5.35

(API) GetGroupsBySource 

GetGroupsBySource(groupSource model.GroupSource) ([]*model.Group, *model.AppError)

GetGroupsBySource gets a list of all groups for the given source.

@tag Group Minimum server version: 5.35

(API) GetGroupsForUser 

GetGroupsForUser(userID string) ([]*model.Group, *model.AppError)

GetGroupsForUser gets the groups a user is in.

@tag Group @tag User Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) DeleteChannelMember 

DeleteChannelMember(channelId, userID string) *model.AppError

DeleteChannelMember deletes a channel membership for a user.

@tag Channel @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) CreatePost 

CreatePost(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)

CreatePost creates a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) AddReaction 

AddReaction(reaction *model.Reaction) (*model.Reaction, *model.AppError)

AddReaction add a reaction to a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) RemoveReaction 

RemoveReaction(reaction *model.Reaction) *model.AppError

RemoveReaction remove a reaction from a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) GetReactions 

GetReactions(postId string) ([]*model.Reaction, *model.AppError)

GetReaction get the reactions of a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) SendEphemeralPost 

SendEphemeralPost(userID string, post *model.Post) *model.Post

SendEphemeralPost creates an ephemeral post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) UpdateEphemeralPost 

UpdateEphemeralPost(userID string, post *model.Post) *model.Post

UpdateEphemeralPost updates an ephemeral message previously sent to the user. EXPERIMENTAL: This API is experimental and can be changed without advance notice.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) DeleteEphemeralPost 

DeleteEphemeralPost(userID, postId string) 

DeleteEphemeralPost deletes an ephemeral message previously sent to the user. EXPERIMENTAL: This API is experimental and can be changed without advance notice.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) DeletePost 

DeletePost(postId string) *model.AppError

DeletePost deletes a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetPostThread 

GetPostThread(postId string) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)

GetPostThread gets a post with all the other posts in the same thread.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPost 

GetPost(postId string) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)

GetPost gets a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetPostsSince 

GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)

GetPostsSince gets posts created after a specified time as Unix time in milliseconds.

@tag Post @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPostsAfter 

GetPostsAfter(channelId, postId string, page, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)

GetPostsAfter gets a page of posts that were posted after the post provided.

@tag Post @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPostsBefore 

GetPostsBefore(channelId, postId string, page, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)

GetPostsBefore gets a page of posts that were posted before the post provided.

@tag Post @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPostsForChannel 

GetPostsForChannel(channelId string, page, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)

GetPostsForChannel gets a list of posts for a channel.

@tag Post @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetTeamStats 

GetTeamStats(teamID string) (*model.TeamStats, *model.AppError)

GetTeamStats gets a team's statistics

@tag Team Minimum server version: 5.8

(API) UpdatePost 

UpdatePost(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)

UpdatePost updates a post.

@tag Post Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetProfileImage 

GetProfileImage(userID string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)

GetProfileImage gets user's profile image.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) SetProfileImage 

SetProfileImage(userID string, data []byte) *model.AppError

SetProfileImage sets a user's profile image.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetEmojiList 

GetEmojiList(sortBy string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)

GetEmojiList returns a page of custom emoji on the system.

The sortBy parameter can be: "name".

@tag Emoji Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetEmojiByName 

GetEmojiByName(name string) (*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)

GetEmojiByName gets an emoji by it's name.

@tag Emoji Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetEmoji 

GetEmoji(emojiId string) (*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)

GetEmoji returns a custom emoji based on the emojiId string.

@tag Emoji Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) CopyFileInfos 

CopyFileInfos(userID string, fileIds []string) ([]string, *model.AppError)

CopyFileInfos duplicates the FileInfo objects referenced by the given file ids, recording the given user id as the new creator and returning the new set of file ids.

The duplicate FileInfo objects are not initially linked to a post, but may now be passed to CreatePost. Use this API to duplicate a post and its file attachments without actually duplicating the uploaded files.

@tag File @tag User Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) GetFileInfo 

GetFileInfo(fileId string) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)

GetFileInfo gets a File Info for a specific fileId

@tag File Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) SetFileSearchableContent 

SetFileSearchableContent(fileID string, content string) *model.AppError

SetFileSearchableContent update the File Info searchable text for full text search

@tag File Minimum server version: 9.1

(API) GetFileInfos 

GetFileInfos(page, perPage int, opt *model.GetFileInfosOptions) ([]*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)

GetFileInfos gets File Infos with options

@tag File Minimum server version: 5.22

(API) GetFile 

GetFile(fileId string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)

GetFile gets content of a file by it's ID

@tag File Minimum server version: 5.8

GetFileLink(fileId string) (string, *model.AppError)

GetFileLink gets the public link to a file by fileId.

@tag File Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) ReadFile 

ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)

ReadFile reads the file from the backend for a specific path

@tag File Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) GetEmojiImage 

GetEmojiImage(emojiId string) ([]byte, string, *model.AppError)

GetEmojiImage returns the emoji image.

@tag Emoji Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) UploadFile 

UploadFile(data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)

UploadFile will upload a file to a channel using a multipart request, to be later attached to a post.

@tag File @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) OpenInteractiveDialog 

OpenInteractiveDialog(dialog model.OpenDialogRequest) *model.AppError

OpenInteractiveDialog will open an interactive dialog on a user's client that generated the trigger ID. Used with interactive message buttons, menus and slash commands.

Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPlugins 

GetPlugins() ([]*model.Manifest, *model.AppError)

GetPlugins will return a list of plugin manifests for currently active plugins.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) EnablePlugin 

EnablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError

EnablePlugin will enable an plugin installed.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) DisablePlugin 

DisablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError

DisablePlugin will disable an enabled plugin.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) RemovePlugin 

RemovePlugin(id string) *model.AppError

RemovePlugin will disable and delete a plugin.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) GetPluginStatus 

GetPluginStatus(id string) (*model.PluginStatus, *model.AppError)

GetPluginStatus will return the status of a plugin.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) InstallPlugin 

InstallPlugin(file io.Reader, replace bool) (*model.Manifest, *model.AppError)

InstallPlugin will upload another plugin with tar.gz file. Previous version will be replaced on replace true.

@tag Plugin Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) KVSet 

KVSet(key string, value []byte) *model.AppError

KVSet stores a key-value pair, unique per plugin. Provided helper functions and internal plugin code will use the prefix `mmi_` before keys. Do not use this prefix.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) KVCompareAndSet 

KVCompareAndSet(key string, oldValue, newValue []byte) (bool, *model.AppError)

KVCompareAndSet updates a key-value pair, unique per plugin, but only if the current value matches the given oldValue. Inserts a new key if oldValue == nil. Returns (false, err) if DB error occurred Returns (false, nil) if current value != oldValue or key already exists when inserting Returns (true, nil) if current value == oldValue or new key is inserted

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.12

(API) KVCompareAndDelete 

KVCompareAndDelete(key string, oldValue []byte) (bool, *model.AppError)

KVCompareAndDelete deletes a key-value pair, unique per plugin, but only if the current value matches the given oldValue. Returns (false, err) if DB error occurred Returns (false, nil) if current value != oldValue or key does not exist when deleting Returns (true, nil) if current value == oldValue and the key was deleted

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.16

(API) KVSetWithOptions 

KVSetWithOptions(key string, value []byte, options model.PluginKVSetOptions) (bool, *model.AppError)

KVSetWithOptions stores a key-value pair, unique per plugin, according to the given options. Returns (false, err) if DB error occurred Returns (false, nil) if the value was not set Returns (true, nil) if the value was set

Minimum server version: 5.20

(API) KVSetWithExpiry 

KVSetWithExpiry(key string, value []byte, expireInSeconds int64) *model.AppError

KVSet stores a key-value pair with an expiry time, unique per plugin.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) KVGet 

KVGet(key string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)

KVGet retrieves a value based on the key, unique per plugin. Returns nil for non-existent keys.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) KVDelete 

KVDelete(key string) *model.AppError

KVDelete removes a key-value pair, unique per plugin. Returns nil for non-existent keys.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) KVDeleteAll 

KVDeleteAll() *model.AppError

KVDeleteAll removes all key-value pairs for a plugin.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) KVList 

KVList(page, perPage int) ([]string, *model.AppError)

KVList lists all keys for a plugin.

@tag KeyValueStore Minimum server version: 5.6

(API) PublishWebSocketEvent 

PublishWebSocketEvent(event string, payload map[string]any, broadcast *model.WebsocketBroadcast) 

PublishWebSocketEvent sends an event to WebSocket connections. event is the type and will be prepended with "custom_<pluginid>_". payload is the data sent with the event. Interface values must be primitive Go types or mattermost-server/model types. broadcast determines to which users to send the event.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) HasPermissionTo 

HasPermissionTo(userID string, permission *model.Permission) bool

HasPermissionTo check if the user has the permission at system scope.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) HasPermissionToTeam 

HasPermissionToTeam(userID, teamID string, permission *model.Permission) bool

HasPermissionToTeam check if the user has the permission at team scope.

@tag User @tag Team Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) HasPermissionToChannel 

HasPermissionToChannel(userID, channelId string, permission *model.Permission) bool

HasPermissionToChannel check if the user has the permission at channel scope.

@tag User @tag Channel Minimum server version: 5.3

(API) RolesGrantPermission 

RolesGrantPermission(roleNames []string, permissionId string) bool

RolesGrantPermission check if the specified roles grant the specified permission

Minimum server version: 6.3

(API) LogDebug 

LogDebug(msg string, keyValuePairs ...any) 

LogDebug writes a log message to the Mattermost server log file. Appropriate context such as the plugin name will already be added as fields so plugins do not need to add that info.

@tag Logging Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) LogInfo 

LogInfo(msg string, keyValuePairs ...any) 

LogInfo writes a log message to the Mattermost server log file. Appropriate context such as the plugin name will already be added as fields so plugins do not need to add that info.

@tag Logging Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) LogError 

LogError(msg string, keyValuePairs ...any) 

LogError writes a log message to the Mattermost server log file. Appropriate context such as the plugin name will already be added as fields so plugins do not need to add that info.

@tag Logging Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) LogWarn 

LogWarn(msg string, keyValuePairs ...any) 

LogWarn writes a log message to the Mattermost server log file. Appropriate context such as the plugin name will already be added as fields so plugins do not need to add that info.

@tag Logging Minimum server version: 5.2

(API) SendMail 

SendMail(to, subject, htmlBody string) *model.AppError

SendMail sends an email to a specific address

Minimum server version: 5.7

(API) CreateBot 

CreateBot(bot *model.Bot) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)

CreateBot creates the given bot and corresponding user.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) PatchBot 

PatchBot(botUserId string, botPatch *model.BotPatch) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)

PatchBot applies the given patch to the bot and corresponding user.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetBot 

GetBot(botUserId string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)

GetBot returns the given bot.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) GetBots 

GetBots(options *model.BotGetOptions) ([]*model.Bot, *model.AppError)

GetBots returns the requested page of bots.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) UpdateBotActive 

UpdateBotActive(botUserId string, active bool) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)

UpdateBotActive marks a bot as active or inactive, along with its corresponding user.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) PermanentDeleteBot 

PermanentDeleteBot(botUserId string) *model.AppError

PermanentDeleteBot permanently deletes a bot and its corresponding user.

@tag Bot Minimum server version: 5.10

(API) PluginHTTP 

PluginHTTP(request *http.Request) *http.Response

PluginHTTP allows inter-plugin requests to plugin APIs.

Minimum server version: 5.18

(API) PublishUserTyping 

PublishUserTyping(userID, channelId, parentId string) *model.AppError

PublishUserTyping publishes a user is typing WebSocket event. The parentId parameter may be an empty string, the other parameters are required.

@tag User Minimum server version: 5.26

(API) CreateCommand 

CreateCommand(cmd *model.Command) (*model.Command, error)

CreateCommand creates a server-owned slash command that is not handled by the plugin itself, and which will persist past the life of the plugin. The command will have its CreatorId set to "" and its PluginId set to the id of the plugin that created it.

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) ListCommands 

ListCommands(teamID string) ([]*model.Command, error)

ListCommands returns the list of all slash commands for teamID. E.g., custom commands (those created through the integrations menu, the REST api, or the plugin api CreateCommand), plugin commands (those created with plugin api RegisterCommand), and builtin commands (those added internally through RegisterCommandProvider).

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) ListCustomCommands 

ListCustomCommands(teamID string) ([]*model.Command, error)

ListCustomCommands returns the list of slash commands for teamID that where created through the integrations menu, the REST api, or the plugin api CreateCommand.

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) ListPluginCommands 

ListPluginCommands(teamID string) ([]*model.Command, error)

ListPluginCommands returns the list of slash commands for teamID that were created with the plugin api RegisterCommand.

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) ListBuiltInCommands 

ListBuiltInCommands() ([]*model.Command, error)

ListBuiltInCommands returns the list of slash commands that are builtin commands (those added internally through RegisterCommandProvider).

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) GetCommand 

GetCommand(commandID string) (*model.Command, error)

GetCommand returns the command definition based on a command id string.

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) UpdateCommand 

UpdateCommand(commandID string, updatedCmd *model.Command) (*model.Command, error)

UpdateCommand updates a single command (commandID) with the information provided in the updatedCmd model.Command struct. The following fields in the command cannot be updated: Id, Token, CreateAt, DeleteAt, and PluginId. If updatedCmd.TeamId is blank, it will be set to commandID's TeamId.

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) DeleteCommand 

DeleteCommand(commandID string) error

DeleteCommand deletes a slash command (commandID).

@tag SlashCommand Minimum server version: 5.28

(API) CreateOAuthApp 

CreateOAuthApp(app *model.OAuthApp) (*model.OAuthApp, *model.AppError)

CreateOAuthApp creates a new OAuth App.

@tag OAuth Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) GetOAuthApp 

GetOAuthApp(appID string) (*model.OAuthApp, *model.AppError)

GetOAuthApp gets an existing OAuth App by id.

@tag OAuth Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) UpdateOAuthApp 

UpdateOAuthApp(app *model.OAuthApp) (*model.OAuthApp, *model.AppError)

UpdateOAuthApp updates an existing OAuth App.

@tag OAuth Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) DeleteOAuthApp 

DeleteOAuthApp(appID string) *model.AppError

DeleteOAuthApp deletes an existing OAuth App by id.

@tag OAuth Minimum server version: 5.38

(API) PublishPluginClusterEvent 

PublishPluginClusterEvent(ev model.PluginClusterEvent, opts model.PluginClusterEventSendOptions) error

PublishPluginClusterEvent broadcasts a plugin event to all other running instances of the calling plugin that are present in the cluster.

This method is used to allow plugin communication in a High-Availability cluster. The receiving side should implement the OnPluginClusterEvent hook to receive events sent through this method.

Minimum server version: 5.36

(API) RequestTrialLicense 

RequestTrialLicense(requesterID string, users int, termsAccepted bool, receiveEmailsAccepted bool) *model.AppError

RequestTrialLicense requests a trial license and installs it in the server

Minimum server version: 5.36

(API) GetCloudLimits 

GetCloudLimits() (*model.ProductLimits, error)

GetCloudLimits gets limits associated with a cloud workspace, if any

Minimum server version: 7.0

(API) EnsureBotUser 

EnsureBotUser(bot *model.Bot) (string, error)

EnsureBotUser updates the bot if it exists, otherwise creates it.

Minimum server version: 7.1

(API) RegisterCollectionAndTopic 

RegisterCollectionAndTopic(collectionType, topicType string) error

RegisterCollectionAndTopic is no longer supported.

Minimum server version: 7.6

(API) CreateUploadSession 

CreateUploadSession(us *model.UploadSession) (*model.UploadSession, error)

CreateUploadSession creates and returns a new (resumable) upload session.

@tag Upload Minimum server version: 7.6

(API) UploadData 

UploadData(us *model.UploadSession, rd io.Reader) (*model.FileInfo, error)

UploadData uploads the data for a given upload session.

@tag Upload Minimum server version: 7.6

(API) GetUploadSession 

GetUploadSession(uploadID string) (*model.UploadSession, error)

GetUploadSession returns the upload session for the provided id.

@tag Upload Minimum server version: 7.6

(API) SendPushNotification 

SendPushNotification(notification *model.PushNotification, userID string) *model.AppError

SendPushNotification will send a push notification to all of user's sessions.

It is the responsibility of the plugin to respect the server's configuration and licence, especially related to `cfg.EmailSettings.PushNotificationContents`, particularly `model.IdLoadedNotification` and the generic settings. Refer to `app.sendPushNotificationSync` for the logic used to construct push notifications.

Note: the NotificationWillBePushed hook will be run after SendPushNotification is called.

Minimum server version: 9.0

(API) UpdateUserAuth 

UpdateUserAuth(userID string, userAuth *model.UserAuth) (*model.UserAuth, *model.AppError)

UpdateUserAuth updates a user's auth data.

It is not currently possible to use this to set a user's auth to e-mail with a hashed password. It is meant to be used exclusively in setting a non-email auth service.

@tag User Minimum server version: 9.3

(API) RegisterPluginForSharedChannels 

RegisterPluginForSharedChannels(opts model.RegisterPluginOpts) (remoteID string, err error)

RegisterPluginForSharedChannels registers the plugin as a `Remote` for SharedChannels. The plugin will receive synchronization messages via the `OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg` hook. This API is idempotent - when called repeatedly with the same `RegisterPluginOpts.PluginID` it will return the same remoteID.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) UnregisterPluginForSharedChannels 

UnregisterPluginForSharedChannels(pluginID string) error

UnregisterPluginForSharedChannels unregisters the plugin as a `Remote` for SharedChannels. The plugin will no longer receive synchronization messages via the `OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg` hook.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) ShareChannel 

ShareChannel(sc *model.SharedChannel) (*model.SharedChannel, error)

ShareChannel marks a channel for sharing via shared channels. Note, this does not automatically invite any remote clusters to the channel - use `InviteRemote` to invite a remote , or this plugin, to the shared channel and start synchronization.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) UpdateSharedChannel 

UpdateSharedChannel(sc *model.SharedChannel) (*model.SharedChannel, error)

UpdateSharedChannel updates a shared channel. This can be used to change the share name, display name, purpose, header, etc.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) UnshareChannel 

UnshareChannel(channelID string) (unshared bool, err error)

UnshareChannel unmarks a channel for sharing. The channel will no longer be shared and all remotes will be uninvited to the channel.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) UpdateSharedChannelCursor 

UpdateSharedChannelCursor(channelID, remoteID string, cusror model.GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor) error

UpdateSharedChannelCursor updates the cursor for the specified channel and RemoteID (passed by the plugin when registering). This can be used to manually set the point of last sync, either forward to skip older posts, or backward to re-sync history. This call by itself does not force a re-sync - a change to channel contents or a call to SyncSharedChannel are needed to force a sync.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) SyncSharedChannel 

SyncSharedChannel(channelID string) error

SyncSharedChannel forces a shared channel to send any changed content to all remotes.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) InviteRemoteToChannel 

InviteRemoteToChannel(channelID string, remoteID string, userID string, shareIfNotShared bool) error

InviteRemoteToChannel invites a remote, or this plugin, as a target for synchronizing. Once invited, the remote will start to receive synchronization messages for any changed content in the specified channel. If `shareIfNotShared` is true, the channel's shared flag will be set, if not already.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5

(API) UninviteRemoteFromChannel 

UninviteRemoteFromChannel(channelID string, remoteID string) error

UninviteRemoteFromChannel uninvites a remote, or this plugin, such that it will stop receiving sychronization messages for the channel.

@tag SharedChannels Minimum server version: 9.5


(Hooks) OnActivate 

OnActivate() error

OnActivate is invoked when the plugin is activated. If an error is returned, the plugin will be terminated. The plugin will not receive hooks until after OnActivate returns without error. OnConfigurationChange will be called once before OnActivate.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) Implemented 

Implemented() ([]string, error)

Implemented returns a list of hooks that are implemented by the plugin. Plugins do not need to provide an implementation. Any given will be ignored.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) OnDeactivate 

OnDeactivate() error

OnDeactivate is invoked when the plugin is deactivated. This is the plugin's last chance to use the API, and the plugin will be terminated shortly after this invocation. The plugin will stop receiving hooks just prior to this method being called.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) OnConfigurationChange 

OnConfigurationChange() error

OnConfigurationChange is invoked when configuration changes may have been made. Any returned error is logged, but does not stop the plugin. You must be prepared to handle a configuration failure gracefully. It is called once before OnActivate.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) ServeHTTP 

ServeHTTP(c *plugin.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) 

ServeHTTP allows the plugin to implement the http.Handler interface. Requests destined for the /plugins/{id} path will be routed to the plugin.

The Mattermost-User-Id header will be present if (and only if) the request is by an authenticated user.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) ExecuteCommand 

ExecuteCommand(c *plugin.Context, args *model.CommandArgs) (*model.CommandResponse, *model.AppError)

ExecuteCommand executes a command that has been previously registered via the RegisterCommand API.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasBeenCreated 

UserHasBeenCreated(c *plugin.Context, user *model.User) 

UserHasBeenCreated is invoked after a user was created.

Minimum server version: 5.10

(Hooks) UserWillLogIn 

UserWillLogIn(c *plugin.Context, user *model.User) string

UserWillLogIn before the login of the user is returned. Returning a non empty string will reject the login event. If you don't need to reject the login event, see UserHasLoggedIn

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasLoggedIn 

UserHasLoggedIn(c *plugin.Context, user *model.User) 

UserHasLoggedIn is invoked after a user has logged in.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) MessageWillBePosted 

MessageWillBePosted(c *plugin.Context, post *model.Post) (*model.Post, string)

MessageWillBePosted is invoked when a message is posted by a user before it is committed to the database. If you also want to act on edited posts, see MessageWillBeUpdated.

To reject a post, return an non-empty string describing why the post was rejected. To modify the post, return the replacement, non-nil *model.Post and an empty string. To allow the post without modification, return a nil *model.Post and an empty string. To dismiss the post, return a nil *model.Post and the const DismissPostError string.

If you don't need to modify or reject posts, use MessageHasBeenPosted instead.

Note that this method will be called for posts created by plugins, including the plugin that created the post.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) MessageWillBeUpdated 

MessageWillBeUpdated(c *plugin.Context, newPost, oldPost *model.Post) (*model.Post, string)

MessageWillBeUpdated is invoked when a message is updated by a user before it is committed to the database. If you also want to act on new posts, see MessageWillBePosted. Return values should be the modified post or nil if rejected and an explanation for the user. On rejection, the post will be kept in its previous state.

If you don't need to modify or rejected updated posts, use MessageHasBeenUpdated instead.

Note that this method will be called for posts updated by plugins, including the plugin that updated the post.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) MessageHasBeenPosted 

MessageHasBeenPosted(c *plugin.Context, post *model.Post) 

MessageHasBeenPosted is invoked after the message has been committed to the database. If you need to modify or reject the post, see MessageWillBePosted Note that this method will be called for posts created by plugins, including the plugin that created the post.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) MessageHasBeenUpdated 

MessageHasBeenUpdated(c *plugin.Context, newPost, oldPost *model.Post) 

MessageHasBeenUpdated is invoked after a message is updated and has been updated in the database. If you need to modify or reject the post, see MessageWillBeUpdated Note that this method will be called for posts created by plugins, including the plugin that created the post.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) MessagesWillBeConsumed 

MessagesWillBeConsumed(posts []*model.Post) []*model.Post

MessagesWillBeConsumed is invoked when a message is requested by a client before it is returned to the client

Note that this method will be called for posts created by plugins, including the plugin that created the post.

Minimum server version: 9.3

(Hooks) MessageHasBeenDeleted 

MessageHasBeenDeleted(c *plugin.Context, post *model.Post) 

MessageHasBeenDeleted is invoked after the message has been deleted from the database. Note that this method will be called for posts deleted by plugins, including the plugin that deleted the post.

Minimum server version: 9.1

(Hooks) ChannelHasBeenCreated 

ChannelHasBeenCreated(c *plugin.Context, channel *model.Channel) 

ChannelHasBeenCreated is invoked after the channel has been committed to the database.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasJoinedChannel 

UserHasJoinedChannel(c *plugin.Context, channelMember *model.ChannelMember, actor *model.User) 

UserHasJoinedChannel is invoked after the membership has been committed to the database. If actor is not nil, the user was invited to the channel by the actor.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasLeftChannel 

UserHasLeftChannel(c *plugin.Context, channelMember *model.ChannelMember, actor *model.User) 

UserHasLeftChannel is invoked after the membership has been removed from the database. If actor is not nil, the user was removed from the channel by the actor.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasJoinedTeam 

UserHasJoinedTeam(c *plugin.Context, teamMember *model.TeamMember, actor *model.User) 

UserHasJoinedTeam is invoked after the membership has been committed to the database. If actor is not nil, the user was added to the team by the actor.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) UserHasLeftTeam 

UserHasLeftTeam(c *plugin.Context, teamMember *model.TeamMember, actor *model.User) 

UserHasLeftTeam is invoked after the membership has been removed from the database. If actor is not nil, the user was removed from the team by the actor.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) FileWillBeUploaded 

FileWillBeUploaded(c *plugin.Context, info *model.FileInfo, file io.Reader, output io.Writer) (*model.FileInfo, string)

FileWillBeUploaded is invoked when a file is uploaded, but before it is committed to backing store. Read from file to retrieve the body of the uploaded file.

To reject a file upload, return an non-empty string describing why the file was rejected. To modify the file, write to the output and/or return a non-nil *model.FileInfo, as well as an empty string. To allow the file without modification, do not write to the output and return a nil *model.FileInfo and an empty string.

Note that this method will be called for files uploaded by plugins, including the plugin that uploaded the post. FileInfo.Size will be automatically set properly if you modify the file.

Minimum server version: 5.2

(Hooks) ReactionHasBeenAdded 

ReactionHasBeenAdded(c *plugin.Context, reaction *model.Reaction) 

ReactionHasBeenAdded is invoked after the reaction has been committed to the database.

Note that this method will be called for reactions added by plugins, including the plugin that added the reaction.

Minimum server version: 5.30

(Hooks) ReactionHasBeenRemoved 

ReactionHasBeenRemoved(c *plugin.Context, reaction *model.Reaction) 

ReactionHasBeenRemoved is invoked after the removal of the reaction has been committed to the database.

Note that this method will be called for reactions removed by plugins, including the plugin that removed the reaction.

Minimum server version: 5.30

(Hooks) OnPluginClusterEvent 

OnPluginClusterEvent(c *plugin.Context, ev model.PluginClusterEvent) 

OnPluginClusterEvent is invoked when an intra-cluster plugin event is received.

This is used to allow communication between multiple instances of the same plugin that are running on separate nodes of the same High-Availability cluster. This hook receives events sent by a call to PublishPluginClusterEvent.

Minimum server version: 5.36

(Hooks) OnWebSocketConnect 

OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID string) 

OnWebSocketConnect is invoked when a new websocket connection is opened.

This is used to track which users have connections opened with the Mattermost websocket.

Minimum server version: 6.0

(Hooks) OnWebSocketDisconnect 

OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID string) 

OnWebSocketDisconnect is invoked when a websocket connection is closed.

This is used to track which users have connections opened with the Mattermost websocket.

Minimum server version: 6.0

(Hooks) WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted 

WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted(webConnID, userID string, req *model.WebSocketRequest) 

WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted is invoked when a websocket message is received.

Minimum server version: 6.0

(Hooks) RunDataRetention 

RunDataRetention(nowTime, batchSize int64) (int64, error)

RunDataRetention is invoked during a DataRetentionJob.

Minimum server version: 6.4

(Hooks) OnInstall 

OnInstall(c *plugin.Context, event model.OnInstallEvent) error

OnInstall is invoked after the installation of a plugin as part of the onboarding. It's called on every installation, not only once.

In the future, other plugin installation methods will trigger this hook, e.g. an installation via the Marketplace.

Minimum server version: 6.5

(Hooks) OnSendDailyTelemetry 


OnSendDailyTelemetry is invoked when the server send the daily telemetry data.

Minimum server version: 6.5

(Hooks) OnCloudLimitsUpdated 

OnCloudLimitsUpdated(limits *model.ProductLimits) 

OnCloudLimitsUpdated is invoked product limits change, for example when plan tiers change

Minimum server version: 7.0

(Hooks) ConfigurationWillBeSaved 

ConfigurationWillBeSaved(newCfg *model.Config) (*model.Config, error)

ConfigurationWillBeSaved is invoked before saving the configuration to the backing store. An error can be returned to reject the operation. Additionally, a new config object can be returned to be stored in place of the provided one. Minimum server version: 8.0

(Hooks) NotificationWillBePushed 

NotificationWillBePushed(pushNotification *model.PushNotification, userID string) (*model.PushNotification, string)

NotificationWillBePushed is invoked before a push notification is sent to the push notification server.

To reject a notification, return an non-empty string describing why the notification was rejected. To modify the notification, return the replacement, non-nil *model.PushNotification and an empty string. To allow the notification without modification, return a nil *model.PushNotification and an empty string.

Note that this method will be called for push notifications created by plugins, including the plugin that created the notification.

Minimum server version: 9.0

(Hooks) UserHasBeenDeactivated 

UserHasBeenDeactivated(c *plugin.Context, user *model.User) 

UserHasBeenDeactivated is invoked when a user is deactivated.

Minimum server version: 9.1

(Hooks) ServeMetrics 

ServeMetrics(c *plugin.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) 

ServeMetrics allows plugins to expose their own metrics endpoint through the server's metrics HTTP listener (e.g. "localhost:8067"). Requests destined to the /plugins/{id}/metrics path will be routed to the plugin.

Minimum server version: 9.2

(Hooks) OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg 

OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg(msg *model.SyncMsg, rc *model.RemoteCluster) (model.SyncResponse, error)

OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg is invoked for plugins that wish to receive synchronization messages from the Shared Channels service for which they have been invited via InviteRemote. Each SyncMsg may contain multiple updates (posts, reactions, attachments, users) for a single channel.

The cursor will be advanced based on the SyncResponse returned.

Minimum server version: 9.5

(Hooks) OnSharedChannelsPing 

OnSharedChannelsPing(rc *model.RemoteCluster) bool

OnSharedChannelsPing is invoked for plugins to indicate the health of the plugin and the connection to the upstream service (e.g. MS Graph APIs).

Return true to indicate all is well.

Return false to indicate there is a problem with the plugin or connection to upstream service. Some number of failed pings will result in the plugin being marked offline and it will stop receiving OnSharedChannelsSyncMsg calls until it comes back online. The plugin will also appear offline in the status report via the `secure-connection status` slash command.

Minimum server version: 9.5

(Hooks) PreferencesHaveChanged 

PreferencesHaveChanged(c *plugin.Context, preferences []model.Preference) 

PreferencesHaveChanged is invoked after one or more of a user's preferences have changed. Note that this method will be called for preferences changed by plugins, including the plugin that changed the preferences.

Minimum server version: 9.5

(Hooks) OnSharedChannelsAttachmentSyncMsg 

OnSharedChannelsAttachmentSyncMsg(fi *model.FileInfo, post *model.Post, rc *model.RemoteCluster) error

OnSharedChannelsAttachmentSyncMsg is invoked for plugins that wish to receive synchronization messages from the Shared Channels service for which they have been invited via InviteRemote. Each call represents one file attachment to be synchronized.

The cursor will be advanced based on the timestamp returned if no error is returned.

Minimum server version: 9.5

(Hooks) OnSharedChannelsProfileImageSyncMsg 

OnSharedChannelsProfileImageSyncMsg(user *model.User, rc *model.RemoteCluster) error

OnSharedChannelsProfileImageSyncMsg is invoked for plugins that wish to receive synchronization messages from the Shared Channels service for which they have been invited via InviteRemote. Each call represents one user profile image that should be synchronized. `App.GetProfileImage` can be used to fetch the image bytes.

The cursor will be advanced based on the timestamp returned if no error is returned.

Minimum server version: 9.5



(Example) HelloWorld 

This example demonstrates a plugin that handles HTTP requests which respond by greeting the world.

package main

import (


// HelloWorldPlugin implements the interface expected by the Mattermost server to communicate
// between the server and plugin processes.
type HelloWorldPlugin struct {

// ServeHTTP demonstrates a plugin that handles HTTP requests by greeting the world.
func (p *HelloWorldPlugin) ServeHTTP(c *plugin.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, world!")

// This example demonstrates a plugin that handles HTTP requests which respond by greeting the
// world.
func main() {

(Example) HelpPlugin 

package main

import (



// configuration represents the configuration for this plugin as exposed via the Mattermost
// server configuration.
type configuration struct {
	TeamName	string
	ChannelName	string

	// channelID is resolved when the public configuration fields above change
	channelID	string

// HelpPlugin implements the interface expected by the Mattermost server to communicate
// between the server and plugin processes.
type HelpPlugin struct {

	// configurationLock synchronizes access to the configuration.
	configurationLock	sync.RWMutex

	// configuration is the active plugin configuration. Consult getConfiguration and
	// setConfiguration for usage.
	configuration	*configuration

// getConfiguration retrieves the active configuration under lock, making it safe to use
// concurrently. The active configuration may change underneath the client of this method, but
// the struct returned by this API call is considered immutable.
func (p *HelpPlugin) getConfiguration() *configuration {
	defer p.configurationLock.RUnlock()

	if p.configuration == nil {
		return &configuration{}

	return p.configuration

// setConfiguration replaces the active configuration under lock.
// Do not call setConfiguration while holding the configurationLock, as sync.Mutex is not
// reentrant.
func (p *HelpPlugin) setConfiguration(configuration *configuration) {
	// Replace the active configuration under lock.
	defer p.configurationLock.Unlock()
	p.configuration = configuration

// OnConfigurationChange updates the active configuration for this plugin under lock.
func (p *HelpPlugin) OnConfigurationChange() error {
	var configuration = new(configuration)

	// Load the public configuration fields from the Mattermost server configuration.
	if err := p.API.LoadPluginConfiguration(configuration); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load plugin configuration")

	team, err := p.API.GetTeamByName(configuration.TeamName)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to find team %s", configuration.TeamName)

	channel, err := p.API.GetChannelByName(team.Id, configuration.ChannelName, false)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to find channel %s", configuration.ChannelName)

	configuration.channelID = channel.Id


	return nil

// MessageHasBeenPosted automatically replies to posts that plea for help.
func (p *HelpPlugin) MessageHasBeenPosted(c *plugin.Context, post *model.Post) {
	configuration := p.getConfiguration()

	// Ignore posts not in the configured channel
	if post.ChannelId != configuration.channelID {

	// Ignore posts this plugin made.
	if sentByPlugin, _ := post.GetProp("sent_by_plugin").(bool); sentByPlugin {

	// Ignore posts without a plea for help.
	if !strings.Contains(post.Message, "help") {

	p.API.SendEphemeralPost(post.UserId, &model.Post{
		ChannelId:	configuration.channelID,
		Message:	"You asked for help? Checkout https://support.mattermost.com/hc/en-us",
		Props: map[string]any{
			"sent_by_plugin": true,

func main() {

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