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A Call defines an App action that can be invoked, or a request for App data.

Data structure 

The data structure of a call (godoc) is described in the following table:

Name Type Description
path string The path of the call. For Apps deployed using HTTP, the path is appended to the App’s RootURL.
expand Expand Specifies additional metadata to include in the call request, such as channel and post information.
state map A set of elements to be interpreted by the App. Forms and slash commands will also populate these values.

An example call looks like this:

    "path": "/my-handler",
    "expand": {
        "app": "all",
        "user": "summary"
    "state": {}


When a call is performed, a POST request will be made to the endpoint defined in the call. The call will include a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the Mattermost-App-Authorization header. The Acting User’s ID is included in the request by default.

The data structure of a call request (godoc) is described in the following table:

Name Type Description
path string (See above)
expand Expand (See above)
state map (See above)
values map The pairs of key values present in the call. Can be populated by forms and slash commands.
context Context The context of the call.
raw_command string The unparsed command for slash commands.
selected_field string Specifies the field name to use for lookups and refreshes.
query string The user-supplied query string to use for lookups and refreshes.

An example call request looks like the following (some context fields omitted for brevity):

    "path": "/send",
    "expand": {},
    "context": {
        "app_id": "hello-world",
        "location": "/command/helloworld/send",
        "acting_user": {
            "id": "k86a9cy93f8azx7jjiy5xfq5jc"
        "oauth2": {}
    "raw_command": "/helloworld send"


The request context field contains metadata about the request. The data structure of the context (godoc) field is described in the following table:

Name Type Description
subject Subject (string) Event subject.
channel_id string ID from the channel from within which the call was performed.
team_id string ID from the team from within which the call was performed.
post_id string ID from the post from within which the call was performed.
root_post_id string If the call was performed from a post in a thread, the root post ID of that thread.
app_id AppID (string) The app ID.
location Location (string) The location from which the call was performed.
user_agent string User agent used to perform the call.
Valid values are: mobile, webapp.
track_as_submit bool Whether the call was caused by a submit action from a binding or form.
mattermost_site_url string Mattermost base URL.
developer_mode bool Whether the Apps framework is running in Developer mode.
app_path string App’s path on the Mattermost instance (appendable to mattermost_site_url).
bot_user_id string Bot user ID.
bot_access_token string (Expansion)
app App Details about the installed record of the App.
acting_user User (Expansion)
acting_user_access_token string (Expansion)
locale string (Expansion)
channel Channel (Expansion)
channel_member ChannelMember (Expansion)
team Team (Expansion)
team_member TeamMember (Expansion)
post Post (Expansion)
root_post Post (Expansion)
user User (Expansion)
mentioned User (list) (Expansion)
oauth2 OAuth2Context (Expansion)

An example context field looks like this:

    "context": {        
        "app_id": "hello-world",
        "location": "/command/helloworld/send",
        "user_agent": "webapp",
        "track_as_submit": true,
        "mattermost_site_url": "http://localhost:8066",
        "developer_mode": true,
        "app_path": "/plugins/com.mattermost.apps/apps/hello-world",
        "bot_user_id": "3sjcm1ztkbfhpnddz389ycq1pe",
        "bot_access_token": "tt59irtaopd7fegi3taamd7dxw",
        "acting_user": {
            "id": "k86a9cy93f8azx7jjiy5xfq5jc",
            "delete_at": 0,
            "username": "",
            "auth_service": "",
            "email": "",
            "nickname": "",
            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "position": "",
            "roles": "",
            "locale": "",
            "timezone": null,
            "disable_welcome_email": false
        "oauth2": {}


The data structure of a call response is described in the following table:

Name Type Description
type CallResponseType The type of response being returned.
text string Used by the ok and error response types to return a markdown message that is sent to the user as an ephemeral post.
data map Used by the ok response type to return additional data.
navigate_to_url string Used by the navigate response type to redirect the user to a specified URL.
use_external_browser bool Used by the navigate response type to indicate the system web browser should be used when redirecting the user to an URL.
form Form Used by the form response type to specify a form to display.
refresh_bindings bool If true, forces App bindings to be refreshed immediately. Does not apply to error responses or responses for bindings calls. For optimal performance, this should be used sparingly.

An example call response looks like this:

    "type": "ok",
    "text": "### Success!\n\nThe operation completed successfully."

Call response types 

There are several types of supported responses (godoc):

Value Description
ok The action completed successfully.
error An error has occurred.
form Should open a form.
navigate Should navigate the user to an URL.

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