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Embedded bindings

Posts can be embedded with bindings which display form-like elements, specifically buttons and selects, to the user for asynchronous interaction. Any number of button and select elements can be used.

A post property, app_bindings, defines the embedded bindings. These bindings take the same form as other App bindings.

Post a message using HTTP REST 

To post a message using HTTP REST, the Mattermost REST API is used. The API endpoint responsible for posting a message is /api/v4/posts.

Requests to the REST API must include an Authorization header with a bearer token set to the acting user or bot token.

Embedded bindings using HTTP REST 

The following example shows an HTTP REST request that posts a message with embedded bindings:

Example HTTP request
POST /api/v4/posts HTTP/1.1
Host: mattermost:8066
Authorization: Bearer <acting_user_or_bot_token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "channel_id": "<channel_id>",
    "props": {
        "app_bindings": [
                "app_id": "<app_id>",
                "location": "embedded",
                "description": "Select your favourite coffee roast",
                "bindings": [
                        "location": "coffee-roast",
                        "label": "Coffee roast",
                        "bindings": [
                                "location": "dark-roast",
                                "label": "Dark roast",
                                "submit": {
                                    "path": "/set-roast-preference"
                                "location": "medium-roast",
                                "label": "Medium roast",
                                "submit": {
                                    "path": "/set-roast-preference"
                                "location": "light-roast",
                                "label": "Light roast",
                                "submit": {
                                    "path": "/set-roast-preference"
                        "location": "i-dont-like-coffee",
                        "label": "I don't like coffee",
                        "submit": {
                            "path": "/set-roast-preference"

Screenshot of post with embedded bindings

Embedded bindings using Golang 

Golang driver example
post := &models.Post{
    ChannelID: callRequest.Context.Channel.ID,
postAppBindings := []apps.Binding{
        Location:    "embedded",
        AppID:       appManifest.AppID,
        Description: "Select your favourite coffee roast",
        Bindings: []apps.Binding{
                Location: "coffee-roast",
                Label:    "Coffee roast",
                Bindings: []apps.Binding{
                        Location: "dark-roast",
                        Label:    "Dark roast",
                        Submit:   apps.NewCall("/set-roast-preference"),
                        Location: "medium-roast",
                        Label:    "Medium roast",
                        Submit:   apps.NewCall("/set-roast-preference"),
                        Location: "light-roast",
                        Label:    "Light roast",
                        Submit:   apps.NewCall("/set-roast-preference"),
                Location: "i-dont-like-coffee",
                Label:    "I don't like coffee",
                Submit:   apps.NewCall("/set-roast-preference"),
// NOTE: apps.PropAppBindings == "app_bindings"
post.AddProp(apps.PropAppBindings, postAppBindings)
client := appclient.AsBot(callRequest.Context)
createdPost, err := client.CreatePost(post)
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

Screenshot of post with embedded bindings

Call request 

The call request from selecting an option looks like the following:

    "path": "/set-roast-preference",
    "expand": {},
    "context": {
        "app_id": "hello-world",
        "location": "/in_post/embedded/coffee-roast/medium-roast",
        "user_agent": "webapp",
        "track_as_submit": true,
        "mattermost_site_url": "http://mattermost:8066",
        "developer_mode": true,
        "app_path": "/plugins/com.mattermost.apps/apps/hello-world",
        "bot_user_id": "mgbd1czngjbbdx6eqruqabdeie",
        "bot_access_token": "pb7g98amypdkiymcwr9f7qtqdw",
        "acting_user": {
            "id": "7q7kaakokfdsdycy3pr9ctkc5r"
            // additional fields omitted for brevity
        "oauth2": {}

The value of the location context field indicates which option was selected by the user.

Embedded binding elements 

Embedded bindings can use two types of form elements: buttons and selects. Any number of button and select elements can be used. When a button is clicked or a select is changed, the binding element’s submit call is performed. The call will include the App, user, post, root post (if any), channel, and team IDs.


Button bindings contain the following fields:

Name Type Description
location string Location name. The whole location path will be provided in the context.
label string Label that will show in the button. Defaults to location. Must be unique in its level.
submit Call Call to be made when the button is selected. You must provide a call if there is no form, or the form itself does not have a call.
form Form Form to open in a modal form when the button is clicked. You must provide a form with a call if there is no call defined in the binding.


Select bindings contain the following fields:

Name Type Description
location string Location name. The whole location path will be provided in the context.
label string Placeholder text displayed when there has been no selection.
submit Call (Optional) Call to be made inherited by the options.
form Form (Optional) Form to be inherited by the options.
bindings Binding (list) Options for the select.

Select options 

Select options contain the following fields:

Name Type Description
location string Option name. The whole location path will be provided in the context.
label string User-facing string. Defaults to location. Must be unique in its level.
submit Call (Optional) Call to perform when the option is selected. You must provide a call if there is no form, or the form itself does not have a call.
form Form (Optional) Form to open in a modal form when the option is selected. You must provide a Form with a Call if there is no Call defined in the Binding.

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