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Slack compatibility

Mattermost makes it easy to migrate integrations written for Slack to Mattermost.

Translate Slack’s data format to Mattermost 

Mattermost automatically translates the data coming from Slack:

  1. JSON responses written for Slack, that contain the following, are translated to Mattermost markdown and rendered equivalently to Slack:

    • <> to denote a URL link, such as {"text": "<https://mattermost.com/>"}.
    • | within a <> to define linked text, such as {"text": "Click <https://mattermost.com/|here> for a link."}.
    • <userid> to trigger a mention to a user, such as {"text": "<5fb5f7iw8tfrfcwssd1xmx3j7y> this is a notification."}.
    • <!channel>, <!here>, or <!all> to trigger a mention to a channel, such as {"text": "<!channel> this is a notification."}.
  2. Both the HTTP POST and GET request bodies sent to a web service are formatted the same as Slack’s. This means your Slack integration’s receiving function does not need change to be compatible with Mattermost.

Known Slack compatibility issues 

  • Using icon_emoji to override the username is not supported.
  • Referencing channels using <#CHANNEL_ID> does not link to the channel.
  • <!everyone> and <!group> are not supported.
  • Parameters mrkdwn, parse, and link_names are not supported (Mattermost always converts markdown and automatically links @mentions).
  • Bold formatting supplied as *bold* is not supported (must be done as **bold**).
  • Slack assumes default values for some fields if they are not specified by the integration, while Mattermost does not.

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