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Mattermost source available license

Some plugins authored by Mattermost are licensed under the Mattermost Source Available License. This document outlines how to apply the license in various situations.

How do I apply the license to an enterprise-only plugin? 

An Enterprise-only plugin is a plugin that requires a valid Mattermost Enterprise E20 license. It is not designed to be used with Team Edition or any other Enterprise license.

  1. Add the LICENSE file to the root of your plugin repository.

  2. Add the following section to your README.md directly below the opening paragraph:

    ## License
    This repository is licensed under the [Mattermost Source Available License](LICENSE) and requires a valid Enterprise E20 license. See Mattermost Source Available License to learn more.

How do I apply the license to a mixed-license plugin? 

A mixed-license plugin includes components that require a valid Mattermost Enterprise E20 license. Not all features are available when used with Team Edition or any other enterprise license.

  1. Organize the Enterprise-only, server-side parts of your plugin in a dedicated folder, typically server/enterprise.

  2. Add the LICENSE file to the server/enterprise folder.

  3. Symlink that license in the root of your repository as LICENSE.enterprise.

  4. Add the following section to your README.md directly below the opening paragraph:

    ## License
    This repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, except for the [server/enterprise](server/enterprise) directory which is licensed under the [Mattermost Source Available License](LICENSE.enterprise). See Mattermost Source Available License to learn more.

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