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Mattermost Server files

In both Mattermost Team and Enterprise editions, you have the freedom to alter how content is displayed by being able to change the contents of localized files and email templates.

Before proceeding with the steps below, make sure you have completed the mattermost-server and mattermost-webapp setup process.

i18n files 

The i18n files define many of the contents seen in email notifications and responses from the server.

  1. Edit contents of files in the mattermost/server/i18n directory according to your requirements.

  2. Once you’re ready, create a tarball or zip the files within the i18n directory.

    cd i18n
    tar -cvf i18n.tar *
  3. Before replacing the files, stop your Mattermost instance if it’s currently running.

    sudo service mattermost stop
  4. In your Mattermost deployment, back up and remove the files inside i18n that will no longer be in use.

    cd ~/mattermost/i18n
    tar -cvf i18n-yyyy-MM-dd.tar *
    rm -f *.json
  5. Transfer your custom i18n.tar file to the deployment server and extract it in the i18n directory.

    mv i18n.tar mattermost/i18n
    cd ~/mattermost/i18n
    tar -xvf i18n.tar
  6. Restart your Mattermost instance.

    sudo service mattermost start

Email templates 

Similarly to the i18n files, email templates can be edited and applied onto a running Mattermost instance in the following manner:

  1. Edit the html files inside of the templates directory. In this example we’ll assume the post_body_full.html file has been customized.

  2. Stop your Mattermost instance if it’s currently running.

    sudo service mattermost stop
  3. (optional) Rename the template file to be replaced to keep it as a backup.

    cd ~/mattermost/templates
    mv post_body_full.html post_body_full_yyyy_MM_dd.html
  4. Transfer your custom post_body_full.html file to the deployment server and place it inside templates.

    mv ./post_body_full.html ~/mattermost/templates/
  5. Restart your Mattermost instance.

    sudo service mattermost start

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