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End-to-End (E2E) cheatsheets

This page compiles all Cypress custom commands based on specific sections of the web app, as well as other general examples. The examples provided showcase the best and conventions on how to write great automated test scripts. We encourage everyone to read this information, ask questions if something is not clear, and challenge the mentioned practices so that we can continuously refine and improve.

If you need to add more custom commands, add them to /e2e-tests/cypress/tests/support, and check out the Cypress custom commands documentation. For ease of use, in-code documentation functionality, and making custom commands more discoverable, add type definitions. See this example of a declaration file for reference on how to include and make type definitions.

General Queries with the Testing Library 

The Testing Library is used through the package @testing-library/cypress, and it provides simple and complete custom Cypress commands and utilities that encourage such good testing practices. To decide on the queries from the Testing Library you should be using while writing Cypress tests, check out this article to learn more. For instance, you can select something with test ID using: cy.findByTestId.

If you need more help, check out the Testing Playground Chrome extension, which helps you find the best queries to select elements. It allows you to inspect the element hierarchies in Chrome Developer Tools, and provides you with suggestions on how to select them, while encouraging good testing practices.

The following is a short summary of the recommended order of priority for queries:

✅ Queries Accessible to Everyone 

These reflect the experience of visual/mouse users as well as those that use assistive technology. Examples include: cy.findByRole, cy.findByLabelText, cy.findByPlaceholderText, cy.findByText, and cy.findByDisplayValue.

✅ Semantic Queries 

These use HTML5 and ARIA–compliant selectors. Note that the user experience of interacting with these attributes varies greatly across browsers and assistive technology. Some examples include: cy.findByAltText and cy.findByTitle.

⚠️ Base Queries 

These are considered part of implementation details and are discouraged to be used. You will still find base queries in the codebase but they will be replaced soon. Therefore, please refrain from reusing the existing base query patterns. However, you may want to use them only to limit the scope of selection. Examples include: cy.get('#elementId') and cy.get('.class-name'). Below is an acceptable use case of base queries:

// limit the scope but chained with recommended query
cy.get('#elementId').should('be.visible').findByRole('button', {name: 'Save'}).click();

// limit the scope then use the recommended queries within the scope
cy.get('.class-name').should('be.visible').within(() => {
    cy.findByRole('input', {name: 'Position'}).type('Software Developer');
    cy.findByRole('button', {name: 'Save'}).click();

✅ Query Variants 

Note that cy.findBy* are shown but other variants are cy.findAllBy*, cy.queryBy*, and cy.queryAllBy*. See the Queries section from testing-library.

❌ Off-limits Queries 

Please do not use any Xpath selectors such as the descendant selector. Do not use the ul > li and order selectors either, like ul > li:nth-child(2). If an element can only be queried with this approach, then you may modify the application codebase, improve it, and make it “accessible to everyone”.

Settings Modal 

settings modal image

Opening the settings modal 

The function cy.uiOpenSettingsModal(section) opens the settings modal when viewing a channel. section is of the < string > type. Possible values for section are: 'Notifications', 'Display', 'Sidebar', and 'Advanced'.

  • Open ‘Settings’ modal and view the default ‘General Settings’: cy.uiOpenSettingsModal();
  • Open the Settings modal and view a specific section (like the ‘Advanced’ section): cy.uiOpenSettingsModal('Advanced');
  • Open the Settings modal, view a specific section, and change a setting:
    // # Open 'Advanced' section of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenSettingsModal('Advanced').within(() => {
      // # Open 'Enable Join/Leave Messages' and turn it off
      cy.findByRole('heading', {name: 'Enable Join/Leave Messages'}).click();
      cy.findByRole('radio', {name: 'Off'}).click();
      // # Save and close the modal

Selecting a section’s button within a modal 

Use the function cy.findByRoleExtended('button', {name}). name is of the < string > type. Possible values for name are: 'Notifications', 'Display', 'Sidebar', and 'Advanced'.

  • Clicking a button within the Settings modal:
    // # Open 'Advanced' section of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenSettingsModal().within(() => {
      // # Click 'Notifications' button
      cy.findByRoleExtended('button', {name: 'Notifications'}).should('be.visible').click();

Select a section’s setting within a modal via the name of the section 

Use the function cy.findByRole('heading', {name}). name is of the < string > type. Possible values for name are: 'Full Name', 'Username', and others depending on the sections in the modal.

  • Open a section within the Settings modal:
    // # Open 'Notifications' of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenSettingsModal('Notifications').within(() => {
      // # Open 'Words That Trigger Mentions' setting
      cy.findByRole('heading', {name: 'Words That Trigger Mentions'}).should('be.visible').click();

Select a section’s setting within a modal via role 

Use the function cy.findByRole(role, {name}). role is of the < string > type. Possible values for role are: 'textbox', 'radio', 'checkbox' and other roles. name is of the < string > type. Possible values for name are: 'On', 'Off', and others depending on a section’s settings.

  • Change value of a section’s setting in the Settings modal:
    // # Open 'Notifications' of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenSettingsModal('Notifications').within(() => {
      // # Open 'Words That Trigger Mentions' setting
      cy.findByRole('heading', {name: 'Words That Trigger Mentions'}).should('be.visible').click();
      // # Check channel-wide mentions
      cy.findByRole('checkbox', {name: 'Channel-wide mentions "@channel", "@all", "@here"'}).click();

Saving and closing a modal 

cy.uiSave and cy.uiClose are common functions that can be used to save things and close modals.

  • Saving and closing in the Settings modal:
    // # Open 'Notifications' of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenSettingsModal('Notifications').within(() => {
      // # Open 'Words That Trigger Mentions' setting
      cy.findByRole('heading', {name: 'Words That Trigger Mentions'}).should('be.visible').click();
      // # Check channel-wide mentions
      cy.findByRole('checkbox', {name: 'Channel-wide mentions "@channel", "@all", "@here"'}).click();
      // # Save then close the modal

Channel Menu 

channel menu image

Opening the channel menu 

Use the function cy.uiOpenChannelMenu(item). This will open the channel menu by clicking the channel header title or dropdown icon when viewing a channel. item is of the type < string >. Possible values for item are: 'View Info', 'Move to...','Notification Preferences', 'Mute Channel', 'Add Members', 'Manage Members','Edit Channel Header', 'Edit Channel Purpose', 'Rename Channel', and 'Convert to Private Channel', 'Archive Channel', and 'Leave Channel'.

  • Open the channel menu normally:
    // # Open 'Channel Menu'
  • Open the channel menu and click on a specific item:
    // # Open 'Advanced' section of 'Settings' modal
    cy.uiOpenChannelMenu('View Info');

Closing the channel menu 

Use the function cy.uiCloseChannelMenu(). This will close the channel menu by clicking the channel header title or dropdown icon again at the center channel view, given that the menu is already open.

Get the DOM elements of the channel menu 

Use the function cy.uiGetChannelMenu().

Product Menu 

product menu image

Opening the product menu 

Use the function cy.uiOpenProductMenu(item). item is of the type < string >. Possible values for item are: 'Channels', 'Boards', 'Playbooks', 'System Console', 'Integrations', 'Marketplace', 'Download Apps', and 'About Mattermost'.

  • Open the product menu normally:
    // # Open 'Product menu'
  • Open the product menu and click on a specific item:
    // # Open 'Integrations' section of 'Product Menu' modal

Get the DOM elements of the product menu 

Use the function cy.uiGetProductMenu().

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