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Server test guidelines

Handling Flaky Tests 

A flaky test is one that exhibits both passing and failing results when run multiple times without any code changes. When our automation detects a flaky test on your PR:

  1. Check if the Test is Newly Introduced

    • Review your PR changes to determine if the flaky test was introduced by your changes
    • If the test is new, fix the flakiness in your PR before merging
  2. For Existing Flaky Tests

    • Create a JIRA ticket titled “Flaky Test: {TestName}”, e.g. “Flaky Test: TestGetMattermostLog”
    • Copy the test failure message into the JIRA ticket description
    • Add the flaky-test and triage-global labels
    • Create a PR to skip the test by adding:
      where MM-XXXXX is your JIRA ticket number
    • Link the JIRA ticket in the skip message for tracking

This process helps us track and systematically address flaky tests while preventing them from blocking development work.

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