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Mattermost Boards plugin guide

In Mattermost v7.10 and earlier releases, Mattermost Boards is the Mattermost plugin version of Focalboard that combines project management tools with messaging and collaboration for teams of all sizes. It is installed and enabled by default in Mattermost v6.0 and later. For working with Focalboard as a standalone application, please refer to the Personal Server Setup Guide.

Build the plugin 

  1. Fork the Focalboard repository and clone it locally. Clone Mattermost in a sibling directory.
  2. Define an environment variable EXCLUDE_ENTERPRISE with a value of 1.
  3. To install the dependencies:
cd mattermost-plugin/webapp
npm install --no-optional
cd ../..
make prebuild
  1. To build the plugin:
make webapp
cd mattermost-plugin
make dist

Refer to the dev-release.yml workflow for the up-to-date commands that are run as part of CI.

Upload and install the plugin 

  1. Enable custom plugins by setting PluginSettings.EnableUploads to true and set FileSettings.MaxFileSize to a number larger than the size of the packed.tar.gz plugin file in bytes (e.g., 524288000) in the Mattermost config.json file.
  2. Navigate to System Console > Plugins > Management and upload the packed .tar.gz file from your mattermost-plugin/dist directory.
  3. Enable the plugin.

Deploy the plugin to a local Mattermost server 

Instead of following the steps above, you can also set up a mattermost-server in local mode and automatically deploy mattermost-plugin via make deploy.

  • Follow the steps in the mattermost-webapp developer setup guide and then:
    • Open a new terminal window. In this terminal window, add an environmental variable to your bash via MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL='http://localhost:8065' (docs)
    • Build the web app via make build
  • Follow the steps in the mattermost-server developer setup guide and then:
    • Make sure Docker is running.
    • Run make config-reset to generate the config/config.json file:
      • Edit config/config.json:
        • Set ServiceSettings > SiteURL to http://localhost:8065 (docs)
        • Set ServiceSettings > EnableLocalMode to true (docs)
        • Set PluginSettings > EnableUploads to true (docs)
    • In this terminal window, add an environmental variable to your bash via MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL='http://localhost:8065' (docs)
    • Build and run the server via make run-server
  • Follow the steps above to install the dependencies.
  • Run make deploy in the mattermost-plugin folder to automatically deploy your plugin to your local Mattermost server.

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