Mattermost uses the Docker Registry to publish the official images for the Mattermost Server and also for other supporting images that are used for internal/public development and testing.
This page lists all the Docker repositories currently in use.
mattermost/mattermost-enterprise-edition - Official Mattermost Server image for the Enterprise Edition version. To find the Dockerfile please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-team-edition - Official Mattermost Server image for the Team Edition version. To find the Dockerfile please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-push-proxy - Mattermost Push Proxy. Documentation. GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-loadtest - Image for the Load Test application. Tools for profiling Mattermost under heavy load. GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-operator - Official image for Mattermost Operator for Kubernetes. For more information please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-cloud - Mattermost Private Cloud is a SaaS offering meant to smooth and accelerate the customer journey from trial to full adoption. For more information please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-preview - This is a Docker image to install Mattermost in Preview Mode for exploring product functionality on a single machine using Docker. Documentation. GitHub repo.
mattermost/platform - Mirror of mattermost/mattermost-preview. This is a Docker image to install Mattermost in Preview Mode for exploring product functionality on a single machine using Docker. Preview image (mirror). Documentation. GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-prod-app - Community driven image for Mattermost Server. This Docker repository will be deprecated in Mattermost 6.0. For more information and to check the Dockerfile please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-prod-db - Community driven image for Database to run together with mattermost/mattermost-prod-app. This Docker repository will be deprecated in Mattermost 6.0. For more information and to check the Dockerfile please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-prod-web - Community driven image for WebServer to run together with mattermost/mattermost-prod-app. This Docker repository will be deprecated in Mattermost 6.0. For more information and to check the Dockerfile please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-test-enterprise - Repository where all testing images are published and available for any type of testing. These images are built from the CircleCI Pipelines from the mattermost-server and mattermost-webapp.
mattermost/mattermost-test-team - Repository where all testing images are published and available for any type of testing. These images are built from the CircleCI Pipelines from the mattermost-server and mattermost-webapp.
mattermost/mattermost-elasticsearch-docker - Used in in CI and for local development. Please refer to the GitHub repo for more information.
mattermost/mattermost-build-server - Image used to build Mattermost used in CI. To check the Docker file refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/mattermost-wait-for-dep - Image used to wait for the other containers to start. Used in in CI and for local development. Please refer to the GitHub repo for more information.
mattermost/sync-helpwanted-tickets - For internal use. This image runs the sync with Jira tickets and GitHub Issues. To check the code please refer to the GitHub repo.
mattermost/podman - For internal use. Contains Podman to build/tag/push container images.
mattermost/chewbacca - For internal use. A GitHub Bot for administrative tasks. Please refer to the GitHub repo for more information.
mattermost/matterwick - For internal use. A GitHub Bot to spin test servers for pull requests. Please refer to the GitHub repo for more information.
mattermost/webrtc - DEPRECATED. Preview docker image of Mattermost WebRTC.
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