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Mattermost supports webhooks to easily integrate external applications into the server.

Incoming webhooks 

Use incoming webhooks to post messages to Mattermost public channels, private channels, and direct messages. Messages are sent via an HTTP POST request to a Mattermost URL generated for each application and contain a specifically formatted JSON payload in the request body.

Create an incoming webhook

Outgoing webhooks 

Outgoing webhooks will send an HTTP POST request to a web service and process a response back to Mattermost when a message matches one or both of the following conditions:

  • It’s posted in a specified channel.
  • The first word matches or starts with one of the defined trigger words, such as gif.

Outgoing webhooks are supported in public channels only. If you need a trigger that works in a private channel or a direct message, consider using a slash command instead.

Create an outgoing webhook

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