See a full list of all Mattermost integrations here.
Hubot is a “chat bot” created by GitHub that listens for commands and executes actions based on your requests.
is a Hubot adapter for Mattermost written in coffee script that uses the Mattermost Web Services API and WebSockets to deliver Hubot functionality.
This integration, written in Python, converts Bitbucket outgoing webhook events to be posted into Mattermost using an incoming webhook.
Backend code for powering a Mattermost slash command that creates an interactive poll. Contains Firebase Cloud Functions that connect Mattermost Interactive Buttons with the Firebase Realtime Database.
Simple bridge between Mattermost, IRC, XMPP, Gitter, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Hipchat(via xmpp), Matrix, Steam and ssh-chat.
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