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Bump Build Number at Mattermost

This must be done in your local copy of the mattermost-mobile

  1. Source the environment variables
    export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
    ############ MATTERMOST BUILD ############
    export COMMIT_CHANGES_TO_GIT=true
    export BRANCH_TO_BUILD=master
    export GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH=build-number
    export RESET_GIT_BRANCH=false
    export INCREMENT_BUILD_NUMBER_MESSAGE="Bump app build number to"
  1. Increase the build number of the app.

    • $ cd fastlane in the mattermost-mobile directory.
    • run $ fastlane set_app_build_number.
  2. Submit a PR on the mobile repo with the branch build-number.

  3. Merge the PR into master and cherry-pick to the release branch.

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