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Onboarding at Mattermost: New Staff Guide

Mentor For The Day 

  • Meet with a dev team member every day for about 30 mins. Dev member will rotate daily to expose the new hire to everyone. The process will run for approximately two weeks. The goal is to get to know each other, feel free to talk about non-work related stuff
  • Schedule to be sent by manager in channel

Meet with a few PMs 

  • List to be sent by manager in channel

Channels and Teams 

  • You should be added to the private team Staff and join the following channels:
    • Alerts
    • Announcements
    • Customer Success
    • Customer Support
    • Confidential Bugs
    • Private Off-Topic (optional)
    • R&D Meeting
    • Social: * (optional)
    • Stand-up
    • Welcome
  • Private channels to join in Contributors
    • Security
    • Confidential Bugs
    • Developers: Private
    • MVP Discussion
  • Public channels to join in Contributors
    • Developers
    • Developers Meeting
    • Bugs
    • Contributors
    • Release Announcements
    • Toolkit (optional)
    • Redux (optional)
    • Installers and Images (optional)
    • Native Mobile Apps (optional)
    • Desktop App (optional)
    • Developers: Performance (optional)
    • Peer-to-peer Help (optional)

Meetings and Accounts 

  • You manager should notify people-ops and have you added to all appropriate meetings
    • people-ops will also set up your @mattermost.com email
  • DevOps to setup various accounts as needed
    • Add to email groups
      • dev-ops
      • build
    • LDAP account
    • OneLogin account
    • VPN account
    • Add to GitHub contributors
    • Add IAM user to master AWS account
    • Add to Azure

Daily Mentor Meeting: Potential Discussion Topics 

  • GitHub workflow
  • Jira workflow
  • Sprint planning
  • Mattermod
  • Internal Jenkins build server
  • External Jenkins build server
  • API docs
  • Web app structure
  • Server structure
  • React Native apps
  • Desktop app
  • Enterprise repo
  • Platform-private repo
  • Release process
  • Org chart and roles
  • Operation gaming
  • Product analytics

GitHub Mattermost Organization Membership 

If you’ve previously contributed to a repository within the mattermost organization, you’ll show up with a Contributor tag:


Once you’re added to the mattermost organization on GitHub, you’ll show up with the Member tag:


By default, however, this tag only appears to other members within the organization. Anyone outside will continue to see only the Contributor tag. If you want your membership in the mattermost organization to be public, follow the steps on https://help.github.com/articles/publicizing-or-hiding-organization-membership/ to find your username on https://github.com/orgs/mattermost/people and change your Organization visibility to Public.

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